About Mike Routen

Author Archive | Mike Routen

Our Dream Of A New Life

As I was getting ready to end my enlistment in the Navy, I was considering some options with how I would address my housing in my new life as a civilian. I was thinking about purchasing a sailboat to live on instead of taking the usual route of an apartment or house. That’s just crazy […]

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Personal Freedom Round Robin

What do you do when you want to learn about something? Find people that have done what you want to do. That is exactly what we did when we wanted to learn more about personal freedom. We have brought together seven bloggers with different backgrounds and different businesses. Some are already living off of their […]

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Make Freedom Your Reality!

Personal Freedom Freedom is a very subjective topic. You will find as many definitions as people you ask. One of the main tenets of my blog is helping families that are looking for more freedom and adventure in their lives. To do so, required a clear definition of freedom. It is easy to simply quote […]

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5 Ways To Get Out Of Your Zone

We all have comfort zones. Those areas in your life where you can be on auto-pilot. Where you don’t have to think twice about what you are doing or how to handle a situation. If you are a “creative” then you cannot afford to live in your comfort zone for very long. When you do, […]

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What Is Your Kryptonite?

What is holding you back from pursuing your dreams with reckless abandon? Is it your job? Your Family? Education? Possibly a physical challenge? Fear of the unknown? I have some good news and some bad news for you. Every one of these issues can be overcome! But, and this is a big “but” (no pun intended) it […]

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The Danger Of Not Becoming A Dragon Slayer!

Along the path to freedom you will encounter many unknowns. If we are not at our freedom destination right now, then we do not yet know where that path leads. Therefore we must find that path, or sometimes even make that path ourselves. “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there […]

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Scared Face

When Opportunity Knocks, Do You Hide Under The Bed?

What do you do when opportunity knocks?   Do you jump at the opportunities that are presented to you, or do you immediately discount the idea, thinking that you don’t have what it takes, that you don’t have the freedom to accept the offer, that you aren’t brave enough, strong enough or willing to take […]

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University of Life

 The benefits of a self-lead education… There is no entrance exam. There are no age limits. You do not know who the Professors will be. You do not know what the classes will be. You do not know when the tests will happen. The campus spans the globe. You determine the pace. You are the […]

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Do You Have A Rescue Team?

You never know when you might find yourself in a crevasse! When you travel your route to freedom, sometimes things can go wrong. Knowing that in advance, you can prepare for the bad times by creating a “Rescue Team” that can respond to your call for help in times of need. I’ve been part of a […]

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Antarctic Skua

Damn Skuas!

While I was stationed in Antarctica I flew with both helicopter crews and fixed wing crews as a Search And Rescue Medical Technician. When preparing for a flight one of the duties we often had was to go to the central galley (chow hall) and collect enough box lunches for the crew. Many of the […]

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