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The Key To Letting Go Of Your Stuff

Have you ever tried to “downsize”? Have you attempted to adopt a minimalist lifestyle only to go through a couple of boxes and have just a handful of items to get rid of? That was us the last few weeks. Just the other day I had an epiphany and found the secret to being able […]

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Find The Courage To Follow Your Heart

What if there was an almost guaranteed way to find your happiness, get more energized, feel more fulfilled and live a healthier life? Would you be interested in that? In today’s fast paced world, it can be difficult to hear the small, quiet voice that is our intuition. This is the voice from the heart. […]

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What Do You Do When The Bottom Falls Out?

How do you feel when you have your heart set on something, it looks like everything is falling into place and then the bottom falls out… yet again? That is where we are right now. The disappointment of having to wait. Coming off of a weekend high of almost buying our boat and fulfilling the […]

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Dust Off Your Dreams

Did you know that dreams have no expiration date? They have an indefinite shelf life. They can be put away, way up on the top shelf, and ignored for years.  Yet, when the time is right they are ready to be taken down, dusted off and ready to go in a moment’s notice…

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The Adventurous Soul On Life Support

beep……………..beep…………….. The sound of my soul on life support. Beep……………..beep…………….. beep……………..beep…………….. It’s near death from sheer neglect. Neglect born of a life that I may be good at, but doesn’t fulfill me, doesn’t light my soul on fire. Sure, I’ve got a life that is better than probably 95% of the people on this earth. […]

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Our Dream Of A New Life

As I was getting ready to end my enlistment in the Navy, I was considering some options with how I would address my housing in my new life as a civilian. I was thinking about purchasing a sailboat to live on instead of taking the usual route of an apartment or house. That’s just crazy […]

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