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Making Money Online Isn’t Rocket Science

What does it take to make money online? How is this different than making money through more traditional channels? What are the most important factors in succeeding with an online business? Online shopping, otherwise known as eCommerce, is becoming increasingly popular around the world. If you take advantage of Google Shopping, you can make sure […]

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The Key To Letting Go Of Your Stuff

Have you ever tried to “downsize”? Have you attempted to adopt a minimalist lifestyle only to go through a couple of boxes and have just a handful of items to get rid of? That was us the last few weeks. Just the other day I had an epiphany and found the secret to being able […]

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USS Ranger

The Number One Lesson Learned From Falling Overboard While Serving On An Aircraft Carrier

I didn’t exactly fall off the ship, but I was reported as “missing” during a man-overboard alarm. This embarrassing situation helped me learn a valuable lesson. How to “fall overboard” without leaving the ship Life aboard a modern aircraft carrier is very different than anything you have likely experienced. It is a floating maze of […]

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One Small But Important Step Towards Freedom!

When you start something new, after all the planning and research has been done, there is still one last hurdle to overcome: actually taking the first step. It is easy to daydream, plan and research.  None of those things represent commitment. Action takes commitment. Planning to live a more minimalistic lifestyle sounds intriguing.  Looking in a […]

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On Stress, Attachment and Clutter

There is stuff everywhere. No flat surface remains untouched. As if gravity alone is insufficient to hold down the tables and counters. Piles seem to slowly multiply all on their own. There seems to be an increasing amount of stuff hovering around the house. This ends up stressing you out because you know you had […]

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Beautiful Exciting Distractions

Does your focus need more focus? Mine does quite often. The never-ending to-do list that seems to grow each day. No matter how many items get checked off, it just won’t get any smaller. Job, family, writing, yard work, exercise, the list of things that need to get done just doesn’t quit. Funny how in […]

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A Day At The Circus And Why Doing Beats Having

Wow, that’s a lot of money for some tickets to a show.  That doesn’t even include any popcorn, drinks or any of the stuff we usually end up buying either. The t-shirts, the hats, the other stuff that the kids will surely want. Think of all the things that much money would buy. Okay, okay. […]

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The Ultimate Power Of A Deadline

Does it seem like you are drowning in things that must get done? It’s frustrating, you get behind and things keep piling up. You end up jumping from crisis to crisis. Some days you feel like a fire fighter in the middle of a burning building. By using the power of setting a deadline for […]

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Freyed rope breaking

What Is Your Tipping Point?

What will it take for you to decide that you want a different life, a different reality than the one you are living right now? Most of us are living day-to-day, running on auto pilot, letting our routines and habits make the majority of the decisions each day as we dream of a life different […]

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5 Ways To Get Out Of Your Zone

We all have comfort zones. Those areas in your life where you can be on auto-pilot. Where you don’t have to think twice about what you are doing or how to handle a situation. If you are a “creative” then you cannot afford to live in your comfort zone for very long. When you do, […]

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